Nature Observation

The nature observing team has decided to break Grounds up into three sections to best catalog where one can go to observe natural areas on and off the ‘beaten path’. Our three geographic areas of interest are North Grounds (including the Law School, Darden, and the U-Hall/JPJ area), Central Grounds (including Newcomb, the Lawn, and the Architecture School), and O-Hill and the surrounding area. Our plan is to select various locations around Grounds based on their ease of access and ability to enjoy nature (for instance, you can see mountains in the distance if you stand on the terrace of Rouss-Roberston Hall at the East side of the Lawn). Although we have not selected all of our spots yet, we are hoping to have a more solidified list by our next posting. Once our list is finalized, our tentative plan is to take photographs at each site and then use Google Maps to map out the line of sight (barring we are able to effectively use the technology).

Our next step is to get in touch with members of the photography club, since they would most likely know creative places to take pictures of nature scenes. Upon Professor Beatley’s recommendation, we are also going to reach out to Architecture Professor Guoping Huang, who is using GIS to map out areas around Grounds to contemplate.

Our first observation is from the patio area near Newcomb Hall and the University Bookstore. Standing near the top of the steps, one can see the Dell Pond on the opposite side of Emmet Street. The Dell is a pond area that hosts a variety of wildlife.

The Dell Pond:



The area outside Newcomb Hall where one can view the Dell:


The view of the Dell from the area outside Newcomb Hall:


Google Maps and Google Satellite view of the line of sight from Newcomb Hall to the Dell Pond:


Post by Taylor Henkel, Third-Year, Global Development Studies